17.01 lakh new workers enrolled under ESI Scheme in December
December 2024, a total of 17.01 lakh new employees have been added under Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), the provisional payroll data said on Friday.
In the month of September, the provisional payroll data of ESIC revealed that 20.58 lakh new employees have been added.
Photo: Ministry of Labour & Employement (X/@LabourMinistry)
In the month of September, the provisional payroll data of ESIC revealed that 20.58 lakh new employees have been added.
Data released by the Ministry of Labour & Employment said, 23,043 new establishments have been brought under the social security ambit of the ESI Scheme in the month of September, thus ensuring social security to more workers.
Out of the total 20.58 lakh employees added during the month, 10.05 lakh employees amounting to around 48.83% of the total registrations belong to the age group of upto 25 years.
The gender-wise analysis of the payroll data indicates that net enrolment of female members has been 3.91 lakh in September.
Besides, a total of 64 transgender employees have also got registered under ESI Scheme.
ESI scheme is a cover for workers that protects them with medical care for the insured and their dependents as well as offer a variety of cash benefits during loss of wages or disablement.
The scheme also offers pension known as dependent benefit to the family members of the insured person in case of death or injury due to occupational hazards while at work.