Recruitment to Group B, C and D posts in all departments of Haryana government will now be done on the basis of written exam, socio-economic criteria and experience. This decision was taken by the Haryana Cabinet which met under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday.
As per the amendment in the Haryana Staff Selection Commission’s notification in respect of recruitment to posts of Group B, C and D, the selection and recommendation of the names of the candidates belonging to Group B (Teacher, Educational Supervisor, Teacher Educator in School Education Department) and Group C and D posts in all departments will be done on the basis of written exam, socio-economic criteria and experience
The Commission will be at liberty to set the number of questions, marks per question and duration of written examination. The scheme of marks in respect of selection to the post will comprise total 100 marks including 90 for written exam and 10 for socio-economic criteria and experience.
The 90 marks for written exam will be divided into two parts comprising 75 per cent weightage for General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi and concerned or relevant subject as applicable and 25 per cent weightage for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment and Culture of Haryana.
The experience and socio-economic criteria will comprise of ten marks.
Five marks will be given if neither the applicant nor any person from amongst the applicant’s family like father, mother, spouse, brothers and sons is, was or has been a regular employee in any department/board/corporation/company/statutory body/commission/authority of Haryana government or any other state government or Government of India.
Similarly, five marks will be given if the applicant is a widow or if the applicant is the first or the second child and his father died before attaining the age of 42 years or if the applicant is the first or the second child and his father died before the applicant attained the age of 15 years.
Five marks will be given if the applicant belongs to such a Denotified Tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic Tribe of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class.
No applicant will be given more than ten marks for socio economic criteria and experience under any circumstance.