SSC chairman: Feasible to identify deserving and undeserving candidates
Mr Majumdar, earlier had said it would be difficult to differentiate the deserving and undeserving candidates. But today in a U-turn, he told newspersons that it was feasible.
The Combined Graduate Level (CGL Tier-I) examinations have been postponed by the Staff Selection Commission.
(Photo: iStock)
The Combined Graduate Level (CGL Tier-I) examinations have been postponed by the Staff Selection Commission. The examinations were scheduled to be held from 25 July to 20 August. The new dates for the Tier-I exam will be announced on the official website of the Commission.
The SSC CGL Tier-I 2018 exams are being conducted for recruitment to the posts of Group B and C in various ministries and departments.
All candidates who filled up the application form for the examinations will have to keep an eye on the official website of the Commission:
The procedure for selection will be completed in four phases starting with the Tier-I exam. Candidates who qualify the Tier-I exam will be called for the Tier-II exam. While Tier-I will be a computer-based exam, Tier-II will test a candidate for quantitative abilities and comprehension. Tier-III will be a descriptive exam and Tier-IV will be a skill test.
How to download SSC CGL admit card 2018
Step 1: Go to official website –,
Step 2: Find ‘What’s new’ section and click on the link,
Step 3: Enter details as asked,
Step 4: Click on submit,
Step 5: Download admit card and take a print out for future reference.
The SSC result 2018 will be declared only after the completion of all four phases.