

Books & Education

Tab fund of more students routed to N Dinajpur pupils

More students from different East Burdwan schools complained about not getting state's fund assistance for purchase of tablets and some problems were identified as wrongful submission of student's personal data and in certain cases some technical glitches could be ascertained.

Travelling with mythology

"I discovered in the book that the three of them spent most of their time in Chitrakoot and not in Panchavati. Is it the case with Valmiki Ramayana, or Tulsi Ramayana or is it everywhere?"

Chronicling 500 years of Indian immigration to Britain

"Indians in London" is a scintillating adventure across the Thames, the Embankment, the Southwark, Bloomsburys, Kensington, Piccadilly, Wembley and Brick Lanes that saw a nation-a cultural, historical and literary revolution that redefined London over half a millennium of Indian migrations-reborn as independent India.