Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Saturday asked the graduates of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) to focus on development of rural and hilly areas along with under privileged section of the society so their expertise could help in growth and expansion of economic activities.
In his address at the first convocation of IIM at Dhaula Kuan in Sirmaur district, he said that management tools could help in simplifying complex issues related to environmental sustainability, energy security, health care and sustainable development.
He urged the faculty of the Institute to have a broader and inclusive view of the management needs in the country that will not only address the challenges of the industry but also contribute towards the development of the Nation.
Singh said that the state government had played a very pro-active role in establishing these Institutions of importance by way of providing land free of cost and taking other effective steps in operationalisation of these Institutions.
He said that the land measuring 200 acres had already been provided by the state government free of cost for setting up of the permanent campus of IIM, Sirmaur at Dhaula Kuan.
Chairman IIM Sirmour Ajay Sriram lauded the role of state government in continuous support to IIM. He said that India had a sustainable growth and creating diverse opportunities.
Director IIM Nilu Rohmetra called upon the students to ensure quality in jobs managed by them and said that research, development and training were necessary to achieve quality.