PM lauds ‘Exam Warriors Art Festival’
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday praised the Exam Warriors Art Festival to overcome exam stress through art.
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It is not possible for students to escape the hurdle of examinations, no matter how much they might wish to do so. However, a lot depends upon their perception and attitude towards these exams, and the studying skills and strategies employed by them for the same.
Be effective: Instead of sitting with books for longer periods of time without much success, it is advisable to study for around 40-45 minutes at a time, ensuring that one utilises each of those minutes fruitfully.
Avoid multi-tasking: It is important to remember that multitasking does not actually save time and energy, instead makes it more difficult to retain the information, as the human ability to process information simultaneously reduces the efficiency, while at the same time gives us less opportunity to rehearse the information.
Take regular breaks: One should take regular breaks between study hours, for around 5-10 minutes each. Remember, these breaks are not inflexibly stretchable.
Plan the break: While breaks are supposed to be times to recuperate and do whatever one wants, it is also important to keep in mind what one should and should not do during break times. Students must avoid reading, TV or computers, as they involve the same part of the brain involved in studying, and hence would not be very refreshing. Instead, prefer to listen to some music, have some light snacks, or go for a short walk.
Use time-saving tactics: As most of the times the same topic needs to be read and revised more than once, it would be very beneficial if students would highlight specific words or phrases that would help to save time while revising the same topic again. Moreover, highlighting has been found to be more effective than underlining as it helps you form visual memories of the highlighted words standing out.
Prepare study environment: Besides the study material, it is also important not to neglect the place where one studies. No matter how comforting the bed might seem, studying in bed should be avoided, as the brain recognises the bed as a place to sleep. The study table should be reserved for studying, and should be kept de-cluttered as much as possible.
Self-tests: At the end of the day, one needs to be responsible for their studies. These tests need not be prepared by teachers or parents. Instead, students should be honest to themselves, and must prepare timed self-tests on a weekly basis. This would help to give a reality check and to be able to evaluate their progress as well.
Chairman, Fortis National Mental Health Council and Fortis National Mental Health Programme, Fortis Healthcare