Jharkhand unveils ambitious plans for education, science and innovation
The Jharkhand government has unveiled ambitious projects aimed at propelling the state into a new era of education, science, and innovation.
With the onset of technology, one can expect an increased efficiency and effectiveness from both teachers and students.
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The process of imparting education has undergone gargantuan change if one keeps a track of things. It has evolved greatly from its earlier tropes of rote learning to the present day innovative procedures to leave a lingering impact on young minds and technology has a great role to play, here.
Technology has impacted every facet of daily lives over the last few years — from personal and business interactions to our school systems and the ways in which we learn something new every day.
Seeing how fast it has evolved over the last decade, mankind is yet to see the best of it. Edu tech is certainly ushering the new age of learning in our country. It is estimated that this market will double in size from the present $ 20 billion to $ 40 billion by the end of this year.
Currently, novelties which are used to improve and facilitate learning can be found at abundance. One can safely say that, we have embraced technology in education where it is used for both teaching and learning, with the main purpose remaining in changing how teachers and students gather, access, analyse, present and transmit information.
With nearly a billion people connected over mobile phones, widespread use of the Internet and its easy availability has lead to considerable rise in digital learning. The incorporation of best-in-class content, real-time learning and feedback methods, and personalised instructions has encouraged online learning to its pinnacle.
Rise of the current crop of ed tech firms is garnering the interest of the mass. People have started stepping towards digital learning as the ed-tech firms are providing them the comfort of “live and interactive” anywhere learning in digital format.
Digital learning aims to break the numerous barriers that are preventing people from receiving quality education in the physically bound classrooms.
The impact of new technologies has been mostly positive as they have given educators the opportunity to enhance their knowledge, skills, and therefore, enhance the standard of education through constructive learning environment, empowered with digital storytelling.
Audio visual aids along with interactive, educational simulations have helped understand concepts and theories enabling a better scope of learning.
The students gain knowledge from masters of the subjects from world class institutes without geographical and monetary constraints. Students have also benefitted by learning from eminent corporate leaders, business academicians as well as the industry connoisseurs. These experts share their valuable insights on the relevant, practical and must know aspects of the corporate world, enabling the students to gain comprehensive and specialised knowledge. Digitisation has led to bridging the rural and urban gap as now even rural children have the access to education.
With the present “Digital India” programme’s vision to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge-based economy, the education sector is perched to witness major growth in the years to come. With the onset of technology, one can expect an increased efficiency and effectiveness from both teachers and students.
Technology is leading to a prompt pedagogical change, while addressing issues that affect learning, teaching and social functionalities. This can therefore, be seen as a tool alongside a catalyst for change. Students should embrace technology for their benefit and teachers should be open to introducing it into the classroom to innovate their teaching practices.
(The writer is founder, Kiwami -Japan based out school learning institute)