A woman severed her sleeping husband’s genitals amidst growing marital tensions in the Pecherpara area within Domkal police station limits in Murshidabad on Saturday night, sending shockwaves through the community. The incident is said to have been fueled by alleged infidelity on the husband’s part.
The accused woman, who was previously married and has two children, began a new life with Hasanur Sheikh. However, their marriage was marred by constant conflict. It is believed that Hasanur’s involvement with another woman further strained their relationship. On Saturday night, the situation escalated to a horrific climax.
While Hasanur was asleep, his wife attacked him with a sharp weapon, severing his genitals. The injured man’s cries alerted neighbors, who rushed to his aid and took him to Domkal Super Speciality Hospital. Due to the severity of his injuries, he was subsequently transferred to Murshidabad Medical College. The Domkal police station has initiated an investigation into the incident. This incident comes just a week after a similar incident in Howrah, where a woman attacked her former lover.