The West Bengal Clinical Establishment Regulatory Commission (WBCERC) has asked two premier private hospitals in the city to pay Rs 10 lakh each after the two healthcare units were found guilty in deaths of two patients.
While talking to reporters at a press meet on Tuesday the WBCERC chairperson Justice Asim Banerjee, said, “Fortis Hospital and Institute of Neuro-science, Kolkata have been fined Rs 10 lakh each as compensations to the respective families of two deceased patients.
The two patients, who were undergoing treatment, separately in the two hospitals, died due to negligence in treatment by doctors,” justice Banerjee, retired judge of the Calcutta High Court said. Following complaints lodged by the relatives of the two deceased with the WBCERC several months ago, medical experts of the commission held several hearings with both complainants and managements of the two hospitals.
Both hospitals were found guilty in treatment of the two patients. One patient was a pregnant woman, who died at Fortis Hospital while the other, suffering from neurological ailments died at the INK