Border Security Force (BSF) launched vigilance awareness week at North Bengal Frontier Headquarters at Kadamtala in Siliguri today. Vigilance awareness week will continue till 5 November this year in all under command headquarters as well as Border Out Posts in view to bring awareness against corruption among BSF troops.
The programme was launched by Soorya Kant Sharma, Inspector General of North Bengal Frontier. The central vigilance commission has announced the theme of “ Say not to corruption; Commit to the nation” for vigilance awareness week of this year. On this occasion, Inspector General of BSF North Bengal Frontier Mr Sharma given a message to call upon all officers and other employees to bring integrity and transparency in all areas and strengthen their commitment to fight against corruption with enthusiasm.
Mr Sharma also said, in the year 1999, Government of India has declared that the week ending with 31st October every year should be observed as the Vigilance Awareness Week. The significance of 31st October is that it is the birthday of the Loh Purush of India, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel. The IG also said that the aim of such programme is to create awareness against corruption among the BSF troops.
“Every person should execute his duty with truth, honesty and efficiency by eliminating the natural greedy nature in his life,” he added. According to the BSF, during the vigilance awareness week, various programme will be organized on the subject of anti-corruption.
Special attention will be given to sensitize BSF personnel and achieving objectives. During the Vigilance Awarness week, lectures, declamations and essay writing competitions will be organized involving school children and border population.