At a time when the Election Commission of India (ECI) warned Dilip Ghosh, a BJP candidate from Burdwan-Durgapur Lok Sabha (LS) seat, and Congress leader Supriya Shrinetra, respectively to refrain from making derogatory statements against anybody during elections in future, Justice Abhijit Ganguly, former judge of Calcutta High Court and a saffron party contestant in Tamluk LS seat on Monday allegedly used indecent word while addressing in an election campaign programme in his area. A video on the same has been doing the rounds.
Without taking names of either state government or ruling Trinamul Congress Justice Ganguly said, “It’s frequently claimed that Rs 1,000/ Rs 1,200 are being given to you (common man) under Lakshmir Bhandar scheme.
These beasts do not know that people are not beggars. The amount you are giving in the name Lakshmir Bhandar is not ancestral properties. It’s not the money of Mamata Bannerjee. You can’t claim any credit for it. (Sudhu aapnader bolbe hazar taka diye dichhi Lakshmir Bhandar, baroso taka diye dichchhi. Ei janoarra eta jane na manush bhikhiri noy. Je taka tomra dichchho Lakshmir Bhandarer name taa tomader paitrik sammpatti noy. Eta Mamata Bandyopadhyaer taka noy. Tomra er jonnyo kono kritittya daabi korte paro na.”)
While reacting to Justice Ganguly’s statements Kunal Ghosh, Trinamul Congress state general secretary and spokesperson said, “Abhijit is right because funds under Lakshmir Bhandar scheme are not ancestral properties of Trinamul Congress. He should ask same question to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He should ask the PM why the photos of the latter are being printed on bags of food items of the poor under PDS scheme. Is the PDS funds are ancestral properties of BJP?”
“Why did the central government paste photos of the PM on the vials of Covid-19 vaccines and vaccination certificates? Was the Covid funds BJP’s ancestral property?” Mr Ghosh said.