Trinamool delegation to meet ECI on Tuesday over fake voter issue
A ten-member delegation of Trinamool Congress will meet the Election Commission of India (ECI) in Delhi on Tuesday (March 11) on the issue of bogus voters in West Bengal.
The Trinamul Congress leadership in Jalpaiguri district has rusticated Debasish Pramanik, a prominent party member based on accusations of illegally acquiring government land.
TMC symbol
The Trinamul Congress leadership in Jalpaiguri district has rusticated Debasish Pramanik, a prominent party member based on accusations of illegally acquiring government land. This action was taken after receiving orders from the party’s state leaders. Recently, Mr Pramanik was arrested by the police on the directions of chief minister Mamata Banerjee.
In a noteworthy move, in response to the chief minister’s directive to crackdown on land grabbers and their ties to the Trinamul Congress, the officials of the land and land reforms department have begun actively identifying and reclaiming government-owned lands throughout the area.
Surprisingly, the Rajganj block land and land reforms department has identified and reclaimed a 1.33-acre plot of land in Gajoldoba, Jalpaiguri. The government has also placed signage on the land, which was previously controlled by a prominent leader from the Trinamul Congress in the Siliguri Municipal Corporation.
It has been reported that a few ‘powerful’ individuals have taken control of government-owned lands and also obtained unused lands from various departments such as PWD, irrigation, housing, forest, and others in the Siliguri-Jalpaiguri region.
The Rajganj BL&LRO, S Roy, stated that they have reclaimed a plot of land in Gajoldoba.
“However, there are still numerous plots of government land in the area that have been taken over by politically-powerful individuals. Some of these individuals have been identified and the process of identifying others is on. The recovery of this land is an achievement and further action will be taken to reclaim any other illegally-occupied plots,” Mr Roy said.
On the other hand, the forest department has taken control of a large area of land in Farabari Nepali Busti, located in the Dabgram Fulbari region, after being unable to regain ownership. This action was prompted by a court order. The land had been claimed by a powerful individual, who had established a tea plantation there. Working together with the police, forest officials removed the tea bushes from their rightful land.
Mahua Gope, president of Trinamul Congress in Jalpaiguri district, has made a formal declaration that her party has removed Debasish Pramanik from his position as Dabgram Fulbari block president due to allegations of illegally seizing public land.
Ms Gope said, “Mr Pramanik’s actions have tarnished the party’s reputation. After analyzing the Lok Sabha election outcome, the party has determined that the public was hesitant to back the TMC due to their dissatisfaction with the local party leaders and their unlawful behaviour. As per chief minister’s order, the party will not condone any local leader, who exploits political influence for land grabbing and other illegal activities.