Trinamul Congress MPs will meet the President of India Ram Nath Kovind tomorrow. They will request him to remove Tushar Mehta from the post of Solicitor-General for his alleged meeting with FIRnamed accused in Narada and Saradha case Suvendu Adhikary at his residence, said Sukhendu Shekhar Roy, the party’s chief whip in Rajya Sabha.
Meanwhile, Trinamul MPs Derek O’Brien, Sukhendu Shekhar Roy and Mahua Moitra wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, requesting him to remove Mehta from this post for his alleged meeting with Adhikary.
Trinamul Rajya Sabha MP and party’s national spokesperson Derek O’Brien stated that Suvendu Adhikary is an FIR named accused in both Narada and Saradha case. The Solicitor-General is advising the CBI and even had appeared for the CBI in the Narada case at Calcutta High Court.
Derek said: “As per Law Officer’s Act 1987, a public prosecutor should not advise anyone against the government or even public undertaking.” “We have therefore reasons to believe that such a meeting was organised to influence the outcome of matters where Suvendu Adhikary is an accused using the high offices of the Solicitor-General,” he added.
“We state that the act of Solicitor-General of India to provide an opportunity to audience to Suvendu Adhikary not only reeks of impropriety but also raises the question of integrity and taints the post of Solicitor-General,” Roy said.
Meanwhile, Kunal Ghosh, Trinamul Congress spokesperson and state general secretary asked: “Even if we believe Mehta’s self explanation that he did not give any legal advice to Suvendu Adhikary, how was an FIR-named accused was allowed to enter Mehta’s house with his own security? Is he not an influential MLA and trying to influence the proceedings of the case?”
BJP to violate ban:
Meanwhile state BJP president and MP Dilip Ghosh today said that BJP workers will launch a movement tomorrow by ignoring police ban on their scheduled programme demanding the arrest of real culprits in fake IAS Debanjan Das’s case.
Ghosh said that the police is an ally of Trinamul Congress government which is obeying chief minister Mamata Banerjee’s instructions from Nabanna to prevent the BJP from doing movement against such forged vaccine camp.
“Our workers will continue schedule programme of our party tomorrow of march from Raja Subodh Mallick Square to the KMC building. The government will face consequences if any untoward incident takes place on peaceful protest. We shall observe protest against postpoll violence also,” he said.
He added the shootout incident at Kamarhati, in which TMC workers were injured is a regular incident of TMC’s intra-party rivalry. “People saw such incidents in the past and in future they will witness such kind of horror because this is the political culture of TMC. The party has no restraint of goons who are now trying to kill each other,” he said.