The chief postmaster general (CPMG) of West Bengal, Neeraj Kumar, unveiled the logo for the commemoration of the historic 250 years of the iconic General Post Office (GPO) at Yogayog Bhawan in Kolkata.
GPO Kolkata is completing 250 years in March. The GPO is one of the oldest and most iconic heritage buildings of the department of posts.
The unveiling of the logo signifies the commencement of a week-long celebration, which will run from 14-19 March, through a number of events like philatelic and postal exhibitions on the GPO campus and also in moving trains, carriage covers from Howrah to Dakshineswar and Fairlie Place across the river Ganga, the release of special covers and picture postcards, painting, photography, and sculpture design contests, heritage walks and cultural programmes, etc.
The CPMG also released a picture postcard on the occasion. About the logo, designed by Arka Majumder of Kolkata circle of the department, said, “We are celebrating the journey steeped in history. It depicts the historical dome of Kolkata GPO and another icon, the Howrah bridge. The two important years, 1774 and 2024 are the two ends of the bridge. It can be the river of time, the distance between the people and their aspirations. The post office connects through the post offices to book parcels and various financial benefits through Duare Dak Ghar. The bridge is a symbol of the link between an aspiring businessman and a customer. The bridge is a symbol of connecting people to people, past to the present. The rotunda symbolises security and assurance.”
Through 13,000 mobile phones the department is delivering to people, there are more than 6,000 computers, from where they deliver services. “Today the post office logs on. Through e-commerce we are delivering parcels, the CPMG said.
“In the last 3-4 years thousands of gramin dak sevaks have been inducted. They are also given job letters through Rozgar Melas. We are also expanding our banking services, and looking into increasing the number of ATMs,” said CPMG Mr Kumar.