The chairman of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) Board of Administrators, Anit Thapa, today toured landslide-affected areas at Golaipakha in Tindharia under the Kurseong subdivision and took stock of the situation.
A landslide victim, Uday Tamang, said that a major landslide occurred in their area early morning today at around 1:30 am, in which the back portion of his house was severely damaged. “The protection-wall in my neighbour’s area came crashing down and hit my house,” Mr Tamang said. “We were five members of my family, including a relative, when the incident occurred. Fortunately, were had not slept that night as the baby had been crying,” he said.
According to him, they are now taking shelter at his relative’s house.
Another local, Sadesh Pradhan, said the impact of the wall that crashed was felt by his house too. “I had constructed my house with assistance from the West Bengal Newar Development Board. My pet dog is still trapped or buried under the debris of the protection wall,” he added.