A number of primary teachers were appointed in different state-run schools of West Bengal in 2016 without undergoing any proper aptitude test, as per as lawyer.
A number of interviewers who were supposed to conduct the aptitude test have confirmed this anomaly in writing to the Calcutta High Court’s Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, while the lat- ter questioned them in a closed door room on February 21.
Advocate Tarunjyoti Tiwrari, counsel for candidates who filed petitions at the Calcutta High Court alleg- ing irregularities in the primary teachers’ recruitment process in 2016, flashed some documents in front of the media persons at the Calcutta High Court premises on Friday afternoon, saying many of the interviewers questioned by Justice Gangopadhyay have informed in writ- ing that although interviews were conducted but there were no separate aptitude tests since there were no ade- quate infrastructure for that purpose.
Aptitude tests, a part of the interview process carrying separate marks, is actually a practical test to understand the aptitude of the candi- dates in teaching using teaching items like blackboard, dusters and blackboard pencils.
“Many of the interviewers questioned by Justice Gangopadhyay have informed that in the interview room there were no provisions for these teaching items absolutely essential for conducting such aptitude tests,” Tiwari said.
These interviewers have reportedly also informed in writing that no instruction cametothemfromWestBen- gal Board of Primary Education ( WBBPE) that aptitude tests will have to be conducted during the course of interview.
“Sperate marks are allot- ted for the aptitude test. So, when the tests were not con- ducted, how could the marks be allotted on this count to the selected candidates. The entire recruitment process was a farce,” Tiwari said.
Justice Gangopadhyay questioned 36 interviewers from four districts at a closed room within the Calcutta High Court premises on February 21, where barring him, the interviewers and their counsel, no other person was allowed to be present.
In the coming days, Jus- tice Gangopadhyay is slated to question interviewers from other districts in phases in a similar manner in coming days.
Justice Gangopadhyay’s initiative on this count has surprised the legal circles in the state who claimed that a judge directly playing the role of an investor was unheard of in the recent past.