

Tangra murders: Brothers tell cops of their involvement

In a new twist to the Tangra death case, two brothers, who were undergoing treatment at a city hospital allegedly told police in their statements that they had cut the veins and slit their wives’ throats as well after them getting unconscious.

Tangra murders: Brothers tell cops of their involvement

Kolkata police (Photo: Wikipedia)

In a new twist to the Tangra death case, two brothers, who were undergoing treatment at a city hospital allegedly told police in their statements that they had cut the veins and slit their wives’ throats as well after them getting unconscious.

The alleged revelation put a seal on the post-mortem report of the three deceased female members of the De family from Tangra, which pointed to injuries inflicted on the trio as being “anti-mortem and homicidal” in nature against the alleged theory of suicide.


The primary post-mortem report of the trio, conducted today at NRS Medical College and Hospital, revealed that the injuries inflicted on the trio especially on the two senior female members Romy De, and Sudeshna De, were anti-mortem and homicidal in nature but in case of the minor Priyangada De, the report said she was allegedly poisoned to death despite having several bruises on her lip and nose.


Romy De and Sudeshna De both had cuts on their wrists and also sharp cuts around their throats, while the minor girl had bruises on her body but hardly any cuts.

The report further said the alleged death had happened between three to six hours after the last meal was taken and about 36 to 48 before the post-mortem.

Earlier, an alleged murder case was filed at Tangra police station by the father of one of the daughter-in laws against unidentified persons.
