Classical arts are here to stay
The ‘Classical Voice of India’ contest strives to make all the young and old practitioners of raag-sangeet aware of the real persona of each raga they choose to present.
A study was directed to find the impact of devotional music on plants. It is believed that sound stimulates the germination of mung bean seeds.
A study was directed to find the impact of devotional music on plants. It is believed that sound stimulates the germination of mung bean seeds.
The entire research work was carried out by Swami Yugal Sharan and an expert team comprising Shreerup Goswami, Pranab kumar Ghosh, Lalit Kumar Barik and Rajdeep Kumar Saw of Sambalpur University and Utkal University.
Both the universities have recognised the research work and have recently awarded PhD to Swami Yugal Sharan Ji.
The research was conducted in the serene spiritual atmosphere of Braj Gopika Seva Mission situation at Tetumberpalli, khurda, Odisha.
Swami Yugal Sharan Ji clarifies that Srila Krishnadas Kabiraj in Chaitanya Charitamrita writes that plants and creepers were exuberant in the presence of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and by his melodious chanting of god’s name (Kabiraj, 1993).
Haid & Huprikar, reported that seed germination and growth of seedlings were affected by watering them with meditative intent.
To consolidate the statement of the spiritual scriptures and the scientific findings resulting from the development of acoustic science, it was believed that the impact of devotional music on plants may give footage for some novel findings. Thus it was planned to make an experimental research entitled “Seed germination with devotional music an experimental.
Swami Yugal Sharan Ji and his devoted expert team states that food is the primary and ever-challenging necessity for human beings. The quest for alternate and environmentally safe ways to healthy crop production was a crucial concern for sustainable food security before modern civilization. Bioacoustics research has revealed that music has a positive impact on plants. The present research was conducted to find the impact of music with a qualitative change in the form of devotional music. The mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) crop was exposed to varied strengths of devotional music during the Kharif season. A comparative evaluation of germination, vegetative and reproductive growth parameters revealed significant improvement when exposed to devotional music. It was observed that the radical development and seed vigour index in the germinating seeds could be regulated to the extent of 37.5 per cent and 42.56 per cent, respectively, with the application of devotional music in a range of 70-100 dB for 1-3 hours per day.
Plant shoot length, root length, leaf count, green weight, and dry weight could be enhanced by 19.11 per cent, 36.37 per cent, 32.43 per cent, 52.19 per cent, and 33.91 per cent, respectively, with the application of devotional music at 85±5 dB for 3 hours per day. The crop yield measured in the number of seeds produced and the total weight of the seeds produced increased by 131.25 per cent and 159.46 per cent, respectively, when treated with devotional music at 85±5 dB for 3 hours per day. It was found that exposure of the plants to devotional music could enhance their metabolic activities, resulting in higher growth and yield.