An ITeS (Information Technology-enabled service) company that maintains the process of admission, registration, preparation of admit cards and filling the exam forms of the entire students of the colleges under the Burdwan University, has stopped working for nonclearance of bills worth Rs 4 crore, which has resulted in halting of distribution of admit cards to the college students ahead of the scheduled first semester exams this year.
Already, the scheduled time of six months for the first semester classes has lapsed still, the BU authorities haven’t issued any notice for the semester exams. Some student’s unions have expressed concern over the situation.
The AIDSO, the TMCCP and SFI have drawn the vice-chancellor’s attention into the crisis. The BU authorities said that the ITeS company stationed at the office of the comptroller of examination was engaged in September, 2021.
The company, however, was yet to be disbursed Rs 4cr against the jobs it has offered.
The VC, professor Nimai Saha, said, “We’ve asked the officials to examine and scrutinise the bill and the proVC is supervising this.” Prof Ashis Panigrahi, pro-VC, said, “It’s a fact that some dues need to be cleared, but the matter needs to be resolved at the executive council’s meeting first.”