Singer-composer Pratul Mukhopadhyay passes away
Noted singer, composer and lyricist Pratul Mukhopadhyay passed away at SSKM hospital this morning after a brief illness.
In the wake of the horrific incident of rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor inside her workplace at state-run R G Kar Medical College Hospital, resident doctors comprising postdoctoral trainees (PDTs)
In the wake of the horrific incident of rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor inside her workplace at state-run R G Kar Medical College Hospital, resident doctors comprising postdoctoral trainees (PDTs), PGTs and house staff of the institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (IPGMER) as well as SSKM Hospital on Friday lodged complaints with the institute director Prof (Dr) Manimoy Bandyopadhyay and medical superintendent cum vice principal (MSVP) Prof (Dr) P K Roy against a group of house staff for unleashing an atmosphere of threats among their medical fraternity attached with the IPGME&R.
Today’s complaint with the SSKM Hospital authorities came a day after the junior doctors of another government teaching hospital, Midnapore Medical College Hospital, gheraoed its principal on Thursday protesting against threats and harassment allegedly by some of their influential colleagues.
At SSKM Hospital, eastern India’s premier government teaching hospital cum research institute for postgraduate medical education, members of the Resident Doctors Association (RDA) at the hospital stated as per their complaints, “With great anguish and disappointment, we the residents of IPGMER and SSKM Hospital are writing this letter to bring your attention a very concerning issue involving threat culture hovering around this institute, which is being created by Ranajit Saha (present house staff of department of dermatology) and his team.”
“Over the past three years, several postgraduate trainees (PGTs) as well as postdoctoral trainees (PDTs), have reported instances of intimidation and threats, even physical assaults by Ranajit and his associates. Also, it has been brought to our attention that many respected faculties of our institute have faced his audacious behaviour,” according to the complaints.
“We have lodged complaints with both the director and MSVP and met them today requesting them to probe our grievances in connection with threats and harassment sponsored by one influential house staff Ranajit Saha and his associates. Academic atmosphere and healthcare services in this premier hospital may collapse in coming days if the authorities do not take strong action against this group of influential junior doctors,” said Dr Arnab Mukhopadhyay, PDT student in DM nephrology course and senior member of the RDA at SSKM Hospital said.
Rubbishing the allegations, Dr Saha, said, “I have also several major complaints to lodge against them with the director and MSVP separately. The authorities can probe the issue if they think so. I never threaten any of my colleagues, seniors and students in our hospital. Their allegations are false and baseless because I have no connection with any political party.”
Prof Bandyopadhyay was not available for comment.