The BJP has decided to go with Surendrajeet Singh Ahluwalia, the 73-year-old bhoomiputra of Asansol, as the Lok Sabha candidate from the seat. Born and brought up in J K Nagar near Asansol, S S Ahluwalia was a student of Jaharmal Jalan School in Asansol.
He has married Monika, the elder sister of ADDA chairman and MLA of Raniganj, Tapas Banerjee. Incidentally, Mr Ahluwalia has fought in the 1998 polls on a Congress ticket and during that elections Tapas Banerjee was his polling agent. He left Asansol many decades ago and was initially staying in Patna and now near Delhi.
S S Ahluwalia was elected as Darjeeling MP in 2014 and in 2019 from Durgapur – Burdwan on a BJP ticket. He has been an Union minister in the cabinet of Congress government led by P V Narashimha Rao, but later joined the BJP.
“It is a great feeling to contest again from by native place of Asansol. I am in New Delhi today and will reach Asansol tomorrow. Though we have only a month remaining for the Lok Sabha polls, I hope that it will not be a major constraint in our campaigning,” he told The Statesman over phone today.
Mr Ahluwalia said that he is already in touch with BJP district president of Asansol Bappa Chatterjee and already the BJP supporters have started writing poll graffiti on the walls in favour of him.
BJP had fielded Pawan Singh, a Bhojpuri star for the Asansol Sabha seat. However, a day later, he refused to fight the polls.