In a successful operation under Operation Satark, the Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Jasidih post apprehended an individual engaged in the illegal transportation of foreign liquor at Jasidih railway station, under Asansol division of Eastern Railway. The operation, led by sub-inspector Santosh Kumar, was conducted after the RPF team observed a man carrying an iron box and a heavy black bag while moving towards the middle bridge of the station.
Upon questioning, the individual identified himself as Pankaj Kumar, 38, from Barh in Bihar. During a detailed interrogation at the RPF post in Jasidih, he admitted transporting foreign liquor illegally. Upon searching the bag and box, the RPF team found 60 bottles of foreign liquor, amounting to 45 liters, with a total value of Rs 41,040. The liquor included all well-known whiskey brands in the market.