The CBI conducted raids at Bikash Bhavan in connection with the recruitment case investigation. Sources indicated that a team of CBI officers arrived at Bikash Bhavan on Wednesday afternoon to probe the corruption in primary teachers’ recruitment. Shortly after the CBI operation began, police from the Northern police station also arrived at Bikash Bhavan and spoke with the CBI officers.
Previously, during the investigation into the primary recruitment corruption, the CBI had sealed a warehouse in Bikash Bhavan. On Wednesday, CBI officers revisited the sealed warehouse. Notably, on 4 January, a CBI investigation team had visited the headquarters of the state education department at Bikash Bhavan in the evening.
According to the central investigative agency, at that time, the investigators had gone to the office of the state education secretary, Manish Jain, on the sixth floor of Bikash Bhavan. He was questioned briefly, and some necessary documents were collected. Additionally, the investigators visited the sealed warehouse used for storing various documents of the education department, which was sealed by the CBI on December 23, 2022.
The CBI had learned from interrogating the arrested former president of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education, Manik Bhattacharya, that several new pieces of information had come to light. To gather more details related to these findings, the CBI conducted the raid at Bikash Bhavan.
App cab driver arrested:
A female traveller has accused a cab driver of misconduct in the city. She alleges that after boarding the cab at Gariahat around 12.30 am on Monday, there was an altercation when she asked the driver to turn on the AC. The situation escalated when she refused to pay the fare until the AC was turned on, and she eventually left the cab due to inappropriate language and insults from the driver, even after leaving the vehicle. The incident was reported to Jadavpur police station, leading to the arrest of the driver on charges of using abusive language and indecent behaviour towards the woman. He is scheduled to appear in Alipore Court on Wednesday.