With former city police commissioner Rajeev Kumar ‘untraceable’ and the CBI unable to establish contact with him, two officers of the Central agency today visited Nabanna to hand over letters to top state government officials seeking information on the whereabouts of Kumar. According to a CBI source, the officers went to Nabanna to hand over four letters, two addressed to the state DGP Virendra, and one each to state chief secretary Moloy De and home secretary Alapan Banerjee, seeking information regarding the whereabouts of Kumar, who according to a government source, is on leave from 9 September to 25 September.
The source said the letters addressed to the DGP were handed over to officials present at Nabanna, but the two letters addressed to the chief secretary and home secretary could not be delivered as the officials present at their offices refused to accept them, on the ground that the offices were closed today, being a Sunday. The CBI source said that the agency was unable to reach Kumar on his mobile phone, nor could contact be established with his security guard’s phone.
The CBI is on the point of launching a man-hunt for Kumar, the source said. The source said that the letters were sent as the state DGP, chief secretary and home secretary, to whom Kumar, as ADGP, CID, reports, should be in the know of his whereabouts. After Calcutta High Court withdrew his protection from arrest, the CBI had served fresh notice to Kumar on Friday asking him to appear before it on Saturday in connection with its probe into the Saradha scam. However, Kumar has sought more time to appear before the investigating officer of the case.