Former TMC MLA Prabir Ghosal, who later developed differences with the TMC opted to join the BJP. On 26 January, 2021 he announced his withdrawal from TMC. The same year he contested the Uttarpara MLA seat as a BJP candidate but lost to his TMC opponent Kanchan Mullick.
Prabir Ghosal, also a well-known Journalist, said he realised that chief minister Mamata Banerjee was the symbol of progress and development in West Bengal.
Mr Ghosal continued to maintain contact with the TMC and was also seen at many social programmes with district senior leaders and TMC workers. Mr Ghosal totally shunned the BJP and came back to the TMC party.
On Monday in the Assembly, Mr Ghosal was delighted to be welcomed by the TMC party chairperson Mamata Banerjee. She is supposed to have said Mr Ghosal is a Journalist who writes for us. I have asked him to work for the TMC party.
Mr Ghosal after the interaction said that he is happy with the TMC.