Just three days before the sixth phase of the Lok Sabha election, the West Bengal police has conducted raids at residences of several prominent BJP leaders in East and West Midnapore districts. The action has sparked a significant political controversy and allegations of misuse of power by the ruling Trinamul Congress (TMC) party have been levelled.
Among those targeted was Suvendu Adhikari, the Leader of Opposition in West Bengal’s Legislative Assembly. The police raided a rented house of Mr Adhikari in Kolaghat, East Midnapore, claiming they were searching for an absconding miscreant involved in a criminal case. The raid, conducted by around 70 officers, prompted a furious reaction from Adhikari, who rushed to the Kolaghat police station with his aides.
Mr Adhikari, who was at a campaign rally when the raid occurred, asserted his protection from the Calcutta High Court, which he claimed bars any police action against him. “Who will be responsible if the police plant some weapons at my home in my absence? The Election Commission must act against such frivolous steps by the police. I want to know why the raid was done and at the behest of whom. It is clear that chief minister Mamata Banerjee is trying to victimize me,” he stated.
In another incident, the Kharagpur Police arrested Tarakeswar Rao, the BJP mandal president of Kharagpur-2 sadar mandal, from his house late last night. According to reports, the police allegedly broke down the door to arrest Rao. Additionally, the residence of the BJP’s Ghatal assistant secretary was also raided.
Hironmoy Chattopadhyay, also known as Hiran Chatterjee, BJP’s candidate from the Ghatal Lok Sabha seat, shared a video on social media showing police raiding his personal assistant’s home around 2.30pm. The police stayed until 6.30am. In the video, Chatterjee accused the police of harassing his PA, Tamoghno Dey, under false pretence of looking for a Pakistani terrorist. He also claimed that the police have ignored serious allegations against the PA of Ghatal’s MP, Dev (Deepak Adhikari), who is accused of involvement in a gold smuggling case and a cash-for-jobs scam.
Hiran Chatterjee condemned the raid, pointing out the distress caused to Dey’s mother, a heart patient. “Who will be responsible if something happens to her? His only crime is that he is my secretary,” Chatterjee said.
Suvendu Adhikari declared his intention to move the High Court on Wednesday to challenge the raid and seek an explanation. Mr Adhikari accused the TMC government of orchestrating these actions to intimidate BJP leaders and disrupt their election campaigns.
The BJP has accused the ruling TMC of using state machinery to target its leaders in a bid to influence the election outcome. The raids have intensified the already-charged political atmosphere in West Bengal, where the BJP and TMC are locked in a fierce battle for control of the state’s 42 Lok Sabha seats.
BJP leaders have called on the Election Commission to intervene and ensure a fair electoral process. They have demanded an inquiry into the police actions and protection for their candidates and workers from alleged political vendetta.
The police, meanwhile, have defended their actions, stating that they were carrying out legitimate searches based on credible information. However, the timing and manner of the raids have raised questions and added a new dimension to the ongoing electoral contest in West Bengal.