Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who was expected to lead the Bhagavad Gita recitation event and address the gathering, today conveyed his regrets in a letter sent to the organisers, who organised the “Gita path in one lakh voice” at Brigade parade ground. In the letter, Prime Minister praised the initiative, emphasising the cultural richness and diversity of India.
He expressed his belief that the collective singing of hymns and verses from the Bhagavad Gita could strengthen social harmony and contribute to the nation’s progress. The event, aimed at bringing together thousands of voices in a chorus, was planned by the BJP in collaboration with cultural organisations, including the Sanatan Sanskriti Parishad.
However, the sudden cancellation has left BJP party workers and organisers disappointed. Despite Mr Modi’s absence, the BJP leaders and workers were determined to carry on with the ‘Singing in Unison’ programme. BJP state president and MP Sukanta Majumder, Leader of Opposition in West Bengal Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, MLA Agnimitra Paul and several BJP MPs and MLAs joined the event at Brigade parade ground.
Party spokespersons earlier had assured that the event will proceed as planned. Participants including monks started to gather at Brigade parade ground early in the morning. The cultural extravaganza, featuring recitals from the Mahabharata and performances of Rabindra Sangeet, aimed to celebrate India’s rich heritage and promote unity. BJP leaders from across Bengal attended, even though the absence of Modi. “We were optimistic about the success of the event, seeing it as a unique opportunity to connect with the people and showcase cultural diversity,” said Mr Majumdar.
While the reasons for Modi’s last-minute cancellation remained undisclosed, party members were expressing their commitment to the event’s success. The ‘Singing in Unison’ initiative is not only seen as a cultural celebration but also as a means to boost the morale of party workers ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Despite the setback, BJP leaders in Bengal are hopeful that the event resonated positively with the public and contribute to the party’s vision of a united and empowered India. “Today sons of farmers, daily wage earners joined the event of Gita path. People of Bengal are not tukde tukde gang. So the event was successful, ” said Mr Adhikari.