Rishra set to welcome lakh of visitors for Jagadhatri Puja
On the day of Jagadhatri Dashami at Chandannagar starts the Rishra Jagadhatri Puja.
The Mankundu Sarbojanin Jagadhatri Puja Committee is celebrating its 57th year.
Chandannagar, West Bengal. (File image)
The Mankundu Sarbojanin Jagadhatri Puja Committee is celebrating its 57th year. They have embarked on the theme of daily struggle in one’s life and the hard work in achieving the goal.
The theme also stresses on acting in earnest for greater humanity. The ladders and chair symbolises determination in overcoming the hurdles to reach one’s goal; the clock symbolises time and that time waits for none, punctuality is the key to success.
It says greater heights can be only achieved by strong determination and punctuality. The Mankundu Sarbojanin Jagadhatri Puja Committee pandal is designed by artist and President-awardee Gouranga Bhulia.