The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of India have accredited North Bengal St Xavier’s College (NBSXC) at Rajganj in Jalpaiguri district with ‘Grade B+’ in its very first cycle.
Established in the year 2007, the college is the youngest in the north Bengal region to be assessed and accredited by the NAAC, according to college officials. According to the Principal of the college, Fr (Dr) Lalit P Tirkey, the Peer Team of the NAAC visited the college on 10 and 11 September to assess various academic and infrastructural facilities being provided to students and other beneficiaries, following which the certificate of accreditation was awarded.
“It is the hard work of the management, faculty, students and the staff that has resulted in the recognition. This grade has endorsed the education that we are imparting and the academic frameworks and policies that we have been practising since its inception. The college, affiliated to the University of North Bengal, has become the first one to get Grade B+ under the new framework of NAAC introduced in 2018,” Fr Tirkey said today.
“Prof (Dr) Ramesh Kumar Pandey, the former Vice-Chancellor of Ranchi University and the Chairperson of the NAAC Peer Team observed that the college had been practising the teaching-learning methodologies very efficiently and recommended enhancement of research facilities in the college. In the exit meeting, Dr Bipransh Kumar Tiwary, the IQAC Coordinator, thanked the management, faculty, staff and students for their contributions in this assessment and accreditation process,” Fr Tirkey added.
Fr Tirkey also assured the management that this was a stepping stone for academic excellence in the years to come. “North Bengal St Xavier’s College looks forward to producing many more luminaries in the academic and research fields in the future,” he said