

NFR collects Rs 35.71 cr in ticket fines

Ticket checking teams under the supervision of senior commercial officers of NF Railway organised several ticket checking drives during the period from January to July 2022, and recovered Rs. 35.71 crore in fines, the NFR said today. During the period from January to July, 15213 ticket checking drives were conducted over NF Railway.

NFR collects Rs 35.71 cr in ticket fines

NFR Northeast Frontier Railway

In its endeavour to provide better services to bonafide rail users and also to curb ticketless travel, the Northeast Frontier Railway regularly conducts campaign against ticketless and irregular travel.

Ticket checking teams under the supervision of senior commercial officers of NF Railway organised several ticket checking drives during the period from January to July 2022, and recovered Rs. 35.71 crore in fines, the NFR said today. During the period from January to July, 15213 ticket checking drives were conducted over NF Railway.


“More than 4.98 lakh passengers without ticket/irregular tickets were detected and an amount of Rs 35.71 crore was realized as excess fare and penalty from them. A total of 3956 unbooked luggage cases were also detected and Rs 7 lakh realized in this connection.


Altogether, it is 439.33% higher in terms of number of penalty cases and 783.46% higher in terms of penalty earnings compared to same period last year,” the NFR said.

Travelling without ticket or beyond authorised distance may levy excess charge and fare. In case a passenger fails or refuses to pay the same, s/he shall be in default of payment and will be prosecuted, it added.
