Local residents of Lenin Nagar in West Bengal’s Chinsurah were attracted by the cries of a baby in the early morning yesterday. Residents started looking out for the source of the cries. They were horrified to find a newborn baby girl abandoned near a water body.
Residents informed the police and then carried the helpless newborn to Chinsurah Imambara Hospital.
The newborn is undergoing treatment in the paediatric department of the hospital and is under medical observation.
The Serampore IMA president Dr Pradeep Kumar Das said, “It is inhuman on the part of the mother to abandon her baby. The hospital nurses and health workers are taking care of the baby. If any symptoms of infection are found, it has to be treated first and then given proper nutrition. The police need to trace out the mother and the hand of a child racket cannot be also ruled out.”
A local woman said, “A girl is no more a burden to a family. The beneficiary schemes by the state government provide help and support to a baby girl, right from its birth. It is very unfortunate and inhuman that the mother abandoned her child.”