

Navy, ICG ships, aircraft on standby

Naval aircraft are kept ready at naval air stations INS Dega at Visakhapatnam and INS Rajali near Chennai to undertake aerial survey of the most affected areas, casualty evacuation, and airdrop of relief material as required.

Navy, ICG ships, aircraft on standby

(Image: Twitter/@IndiaCoastGuard)

The Indian Navy today said that its Eastern Naval Command headquarters in coordination with naval officers-incharge at West Bengal and Odisha, have carried out preparatory activities to combat the effects of cyclone Yaasand is in constant liaison with the state administrations for rendering assistance as required.

As part of the preparedness measures, eight flood relief teams and four diving teams are prepositioned at Odisha and Bengal to augment the existing resources. Four naval ships are on standby with Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) comprising diving and medical teams to render assistance in the most affected areas along the coast.


Naval aircraft are kept ready at naval air stations INS Dega at Visakhapatnam and INS Rajali near Chennai to undertake aerial survey of the most affected areas, casualty evacuation, and airdrop of relief material as required. The Coast Guard’s Dornier aircraft and ships at sea are intimating the fishermen operating close to the coast and those at sea about likely formation of the cyclonic storm and directing these fishing boats to return back to harbour for safety.


Additionally, ICG radar stations have also started transmitting weather warnings over VHF at regular intervals to alert merchant vessels and fishing boats operating at sea. ICG has also requested the state government of both West Bengal and that of Odisha to sensitize fishers and keep account of the fishing boats present in the harbour.
