Cold storage association demands storage rent rise from govt
West Bengal Cold Storage Association held their 60th annual general meeting on Wednesday.
This was informed by Usha Ramesh, chief general manager of NABARD, West Bengal regional office, Kolkata during the State Credit Seminar organized by NABARD on Saturday.
NABARD projects priority sector credit target (photo:ANI)
NABARD projects a credit target of Rs 3.15 lakh crore for priority sector lending in West Bengal state during 2024-25, which is approximately 16.7 per cent higher than the previous years’ credit projection.
This was informed by Usha Ramesh, chief general manager of NABARD, West Bengal regional office, Kolkata during the State Credit Seminar organized by NABARD on Saturday. She said climate change is the biggest threat at present. Keeping that in mind, the credit projections have been set in various priority areas including agriculture, MSME and rural infrastructure development.
During the State Credit seminar, Bhagwati Prasad Gopalika, state chief secretary, who was invited as the chief guest released the state focus paper for FY 2024-25. During his keynote address the CS Secretary stated that these priority sector credit flows will help the farmers in the development of rural economy.
The programme was also attended by Dr Manoj Pant, ACS, finance department, Dr Krishna Gupta, ACS, cooperation, GoWB, Onkar Singh Meena, principal secretary, agriculture, GoWB, Prem Anup Sinha, CGM, SBI and other senior officials of the government, banks and other institutions.