It looks like the cat is finally out of the bag. BJP State president Dilip Ghosh spilled the beans, when he said at a party programme in Birbhum today that it was Trinamul Congress Krishnanagar MP, Mohua Moitra, who had told him to meet actor and TMC MLA Debashree Roy.
Ghosh said that he had met the Krishnanagar MP at the state Assembly, and during an informal chit-chat back then, she said that the Debashree Roy is in great distress, and wants to meet him.
“She told me that Debashree Roy is neither in TMC nor in BJP, but she urgently wants to meet me as she is under depression nowadays. I told her that I am going to her erstwhile constituency in Karimpur, and urged her to go along with me, which she has refused. I also told her though she went to our New Delhi party office, none of us knew about it. Instead her visit to New Delhi BJP party office has created a lot of confusion as on the same day Sovan Chatterjee and Baisakhi Banerjee were also present to join the party,” said Ghosh.
Ghosh added that he did not have Roy’s phone number, but later called her through a person and met her. She has told him that an NGO took her to New Delhi on that day, and she is in great distress due to her personal problems.
The BJP state president also said that he has not given any assurance to Roy at the meeting in his residence, and added that only after all the leaders of the party agree, a unanimous a decision will be taken.
Ghosh said that very little political discussions have taken place between him and Roy.
Instead, personal matters were discussed, and he has urged Roy to solve her own problems first.
Firebrand Krishnanagar MP, Mohua Moitra, who was once an MLA, knew Ghosh since a long time as both of them were legislators of the previous state assembly.
However, after Moitra became MP, it was their first meeting. In her maiden speech in the Lok Sabha, Moitra, who was once very close to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and left her foreign job to join Indian politics, became the cynosure of all eyes. But the latest claim by Ghosh has raised a controversy around her.
Moitra could not be contacted for her reaction to Ghosh’s statements.