Body of a 19-year-old youth was recovered from a canal along Basanti Highway at Chowbaga, under Pragati Maidan police station area on Friday morning. A murder case has been registered by police. The body has been sent for postmortem. According to police sources, Biswajit Mondal, a Class XII student of Budherhat in the East Jadavpur police station area, was allegedly missing since Tuesday.
His family members lodged a missing diary with the local police station on Wednesday. He came to his relative’s house to see ‘Seetala Puja’ festival fair near Khanaberia. He had a heated exchange with some others on Wednesday at midnight. Police have detained several persons for interrogations. His family identified Biswajit’s body that was found lying in the canal ‘Moilakhal’. They alleged that he was beaten to death by some persons because they have found multiple injury marks on his body