West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee had moved the Calcutta High Court challenging the victory of BJP’s Suvendu Adhikari from Nandigram Assembly.
The high court today deferred the hearing of the petition to Thursday (24 June).
In a dramatic contest, Adhikari was declared the winner by the Election Commission as Miss Banerjee lost by a slender margin of over 1,700 votes.
In her petition, Miss Banerjee has sought Adhikari’s election be declared void on three grounds – electoral malpractices including bribery, promotion of hatred and enmity, seeking votes on the basis of religion and booth capture.
Miss Banerjee has questioned the decision of the EC to reject her plea for a recount.
Her counsel Sanjay Bose said they sought an order striking down the election of Nandigram Assembly.
On 2 May, Nandigram counting kept Bengal on tenterhooks as Adhikari trailed for 11 rounds but a fortuitous twist in the next four rounds gave him the momentum and consequently, victory.
Indicating apparent irregularities, Miss Banerjee alleged the next day that the servers were down for four hours during the counting.
She also claimed that the election officer in Nandigram was threatened.