A war of words broke out between West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi after Mr Modi accused the Trinamul Congress of “playing with blood” during the recent panchayat elections in West Bengal. Mr Modi, addressing the Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad in West Bengal via videoconferencing, also alleged that the ruling party in the state not only committed atrocities on BJP workers but also on general voters.
An incensed Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said that Mr Modi does not have the “moral right” to speak on issues like violence and corruption. “The Prime Minister has spoken about panchayat poll violence in West Bengal. It was actually planned and unleashed by the state unit of BJP. The BJPbacked goons killed about 17 persons during the rural civic body polls.
The Prime Minister should first learn political courtesy before saying such things. He has no moral right to speak about violence in West Bengal at a time when he is unable to control the situation in Manipur,” the Chief Minister said in a video message released after Mr Modi’s virtual address at the eastern regional Panchayati Raj workshop organised by the saffron camp. “TMC ne panchayat chunav mein khooni khel khela hai…” the PM said in Hindi while addressing the Kshetriya Panchayati Raj Parishad.
Miss Banerjee in her response, said that that addressing the issue of corruption does not suit Mr Modi at a time when he himself is in the midst of corruption. “The Prime Minister is speaking against corruption but unable to take action against the corrupt leaders in his own party.
From the PM Care Fund to the Rafale deal, there had been corruption everywhere,” she said. She went on to say that Mr Modi should not take the common people for granted and think of them as fools. “The demonetisation was done to serve the interest of BJP. No national interest was involved behind the demonetization decision.
If you want to start somewhere, you should start with cleaning up your own party. Why are you not taking action against your own party leaders who are involved in terrorising the common people and harassing women? Why are you not taking action against those who are involved in Manipur violence?” Miss Banerjee asked.