The West Bengal government has declared a half-day holiday on Monday in honour of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar who passed away early today. Chief minister Mamata Banerjee said that her songs will be played in different places of the state for the next 15 days. Besides, arrangements have been made by the state Information and Cultural Affairs Department to pay homage to the portrait of the legendary artist at Rabindra Sadan tomorrow from 10 am to 5 pm.
Expressing her condolences, Miss Banerjee wrote on Twitter: “I pay my heartfelt tribute to the departed icon of India, Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar. While offering my sincerest condolences to her family and the billions of admirers that she leaves behind all over the world, I express my deepest sadness at the demise of the genius that the Nightingale of India truly was.” ” and so integral to her magnificent world of music,” Miss Banerjee said.
In her condolence message Miss Banerjee wrote: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of legendary musician Lata Mangeshkar. She breathed her last in Mumbai today. She was 92 years old. There will be a huge void after her death”. “For the last eight decades she was in the heart of all the people of this country. She had made everybody captivated by her musical spell. She has sung countless songs including classical, ghazal, bhajan, modern and songs for numerous films. She has sung in 36 Indian and foreign languages including Hindi, Marathi, Bengali. She had deep relations with Bengal and Bengali songs. Many of our musical stars were enriched by her rare musical talent,” she wrote.
“She has received numerous awards and honours including Bharat Ratna, Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Dadasaheb Phalke Award, Legion of Honour, National Film Award, Bengal Film Journalists’ Association Award,” she said. “Her death caused irreparable damage to the world of music. I extend my sincere condolences to the family and fans of Lata Mangeshkar,” she added.
Miss Banerjee said that she shared a very close relationship with the legendary artist. “She not only sent me a gift when I became the chief minister for the first time but also wanted to come to Kolkata to take the ‘Bangabibhusan Award’ conferred to her by the Government of West Bengal but she couldn’t come because of her ill health. She called me and thanked me”. “A lot of people give me a lot of gifts. I don’t keep them with me but I still preserve the gift ‘Lataji’ gave me and consider it to be my precious treasure,” she added.
Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar expressed deep anguish at the passing of the legendary singer. Mr Dhankhar in his Twitter message wrote: “Anguished at passing of Bharat Ratna- all-time greatest #LataMangeshkar. The void she leaves is difficult to fill. Generations will ever remember the legend of culture for her immortalised melodious voice that would ever mesmerise people.”