Chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday brought serious charges against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is in power at the Centre when she said that they are trying to hack the electronic voting machines in their desperation to win the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Here is why Mamata fears EVM hacking.
“To win they (BJP) have already begun their planning (for 2024 elections). They are making various arrangements to hack electronic machines (used in elections). We have received such information and have already found some evidence. We are also looking for more,” she said. Mamata, who is also the Trinamul Congress’ chairperson, said that violence has always been a part of BJP’s dictionary.
“Their dictionary does not have the Constitution in it but only violence. They attack Dalits, tribals, and minorities. Now, they are asking the religion of reporters before harassing them. They feel there is no progress without violence. Using violence, they want to saffronise everything. Saffron is a mark of devotion, sacrifice, and purity. People will not accept it,” she added. She said that her next destination is Delhi and the newlyformed alliance will capture the Capital.
“The INDIA alliance was formed to save the country from disaster, communal tensions and unemployment. Our alliance is new, and our existence is all over the country. Of course, we will form the government and Delhi is the capital, which also houses Parliament. Responding to Amit Shah’s apparent jibe at the INDIA coalition, the chief minister said that in a way he had rightly interpreted that Delhi would win that means INDIA was going to win and NDA was going to lose. Exuding confidence, she also said that the INDIA – the 26 party-combine would definitely triumph over the NDA, which would suffer defeat and form the government in Delhi, the capital of India and which also houses Parliament