Labour Minister Moloy Ghatak has intervened in the ongoing dispute over the 20 per cent bonus demand by tea workers in the Hills. Despite an unsuccessful meeting with tea garden owners yesterday, Mr. Ghatak assured trade union leaders of another meeting within 15 days. Tea workers in the Hills are demanding a 20 per cent bonus, while the state government has recommended a 16 per cent bonus.
Workers are pressing for an additional 4 per cent. This comes after a series of inconclusive bipartite and tripartite meetings. The Consultative Committee of Plantation Associations (CCPA) has agreed to pay a 16 per cent bonus for workers in the Terai and Dooars regions. A previous meeting called by the Labour Department on 6 November in Kolkata also ended without a resolution due to the absence of several tea garden owners. Trade unions representing workers in the Darjeeling and Kalimpong Hills have demanded that the state government ensure the participation of tea garden owners in future discussions.
Yesterday’s meeting, convened by Minister Ghatak, also failed to reach a resolution. Some tea garden owners expressed their inability to pay more than a 13 per cent bonus, citing the absence of key representatives from their association. The Minister requested the owners to consult their colleagues and provide feedback within 15 days. Trade union leaders urged the Minister to expedite the resolution process to alleviate the distress of tea workers. Saman Pathak, a trade union spokesperson, emphasised the need for a swift resolution and the importance of addressing other pressing issues within the tea gardens.