Kuntal Ghosh, arrested by the CBI for his alleged connection with the school service commission recruitment scam, submitted a letter in the High Court stating that he had been intimidated by the investigating agency to take the name of Trinamul Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee in the matter.
Ghosh was removed from the party after his arrest.
Dr Shantanu Sen Trinamul Rajya Sabha MP said, “This has become a practice of the investigating agency to put pressure on the arrested persons to take the names of some important leaders of the opposition parties. Not only Ghosh, many opposition leaders who had been arrested by the ED and CBI made similar allegations.” 4
Dr Sen said it was because of this, people have lost faith in the investigating agencies. He said Trinamul Congress chairperson Mamata Banerjee had over and over again spoken about the highhandedness of the investigating agencies