A day after chief minister Mamata Banerjee, who holds the home portfolio, asked Kolkata Police (KP) to bring Bhangar within the jurisdiction of South 24-Parganas, a team from Lalbazar visited several areas in the violencehit block on Thursday. The KP team, comprising a deputy commissioner of police (DCP), an assistant commissioner of police (ASP) and senior police personnel from the Bantala Leather Complex police station, visited several areas under Kashipur and Bhangar police stations.
They also met their counterparts from the South 24-Parganas district police administration. Bhangar had become a hotbed of political violence leading to deaths of workers belonging to ruling Trinamul Congress and opposition Indian Secular Front (ISF). Firing, bomb blasts and setting on fire of infrastructure marked the days preceding voting date and post polling. According to officials, Miss Banerjee, while attending a programme at Alipore Bodyguard Lines on Wednesday asked Kolkata Police commissioner Vineet Kumar Goyal to bring Bhangar under Kolkata police’s jurisdiction.