In a poignant tribute to the late Biswaranjan Das Adhikary, affectionately known as Kajalbabu, the Kajalbabu Memorial Trust (KMT) welcomed a cohort of esteemed academic dignitaries from Europe and India for a visit to Dasagram SS Sikshasadan. The trust, dedicated to continuing Kajalbabu’s legacy of supporting underprivileged students, particularly girls from Sabang, has emerged as a beacon of hope and opportunity since its establishment in 2021. Kajalbabu, a revered chemistry teacher at the school, succumbed to Covid-19 in 2020, leaving behind a legacy of excellence and compassion.
Inspired by his teachings and ethos, more than 50 of his former students rallied together to establish the KMT, spearheaded by Prof. Bikash Pal of Imperial College London, UK. The Trust, spanning a sprawling 6000 square feet, serves as a nurturing hub offering mentorship, scholarships, and soft skill development programs, including moral character building and remote coaching, to deserving students.
Its profound impact resonates through the lives of numerous beneficiaries, with over 50 students already supported in less than three years. On 3 February, the Trust played host to 15 eminent academic figures from prestigious institutions such as the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, University of Southampton, Imperial College London, IIT Kharagpur, and CMERI Durgapur, among others. Prof. Nikos Hatziargyriou, Dr. Panos Kotsampopoulos, Prof. Stratis Batzelis, Dr. Firdous Ul-Nazir, Prof. Suman Maiti, Dr. Santu Giri, and several others graced the event with their presence, touring the facilities, engaging with students, and sharing invaluable insights. Two deserving young girls were awarded the Ping Bian scholarship, a testament to the Trust’s unwavering commitment to fostering academic excellence and empowering the youth.
The Trust’s remarkable journey has been buoyed by the overwhelming support of well-wishers from India and abroad, including many of the dignitaries present. Nestled within Dasagram SS Sikshasadan, a government-aided HS school founded in 1928 by Gopal Chandra Das Adhikary, the Trust finds itself in the midst of a rich educational legacy. With a current enrollment of approximately 1300 students, the school boasts state-of-the-art laboratories and libraries, nurturing generations of leaders, scholars, and professionals across diverse fields.