The Jadavpur University authorities declared provisional merit list for nine subjects of Arts stream, including the six disputed subjects, on Friday.
The lists contains names of provisionally selected candidates in nine subjects in Arts stream. The much-awaited merit list for six subjects, including English, Bengali, Comparative Literature, Philosophy, Political Science and History, which were at the core of a bitter battle between students and JU authorities a few weeks ago, was welcomed by the applicants, university students and teachers alike.
As many as 423 seats are vacant and need to be filled by the selected students in the six subjects.
The waiting list remained long, despite the agitation that lasted for a few weeks. This year the number of aspirants in the waiting list, including the six subjects, is above 2,300.
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Elaborating on the provisional merit list, Mr Subhashish Biswas, dean of Arts, informed that due to some technical problems on the website,, a few details on the waiting list could not be uploaded on Friday. The waiting list is expected to undergo alterations on Saturday after noon.
The provisionally selected candidates and those whose names appear in the waiting list have been instructed by the authorities to fill an online admission form that would be available on the university website from 6 August. On the same day, aspirants belonging to physically disabled category are to appear before an expert committee of JU with their original disability certificate and handicapped identity card issued by relevant authority.
While the admission procedure for English and Political Science is to be conducted on 8 August, for Bengali and History, it will take place on 9 August. On 10 August, aspirants of Comparative Literature and Philosophy have been asked to come for admission.
Sharing his views on the merit list, Debraj Debnath, general secretary of the student’s union, said, “ We are happy with the merit list. No irregularities have been noted in the list so far.”