Brahmastra veterans meet at Panagarh military station
Under the aegis of the Indian Army’s Eastern Command, Brahmastra Corps organised the Brahmastra Veterans Meet on Sunday at Panagarh Military Station.
Images of Lord Jesus, made of trimmed iron pieces and scrap have been shipped to different states and places from East Burdwan, drawing the attention of state minister Swapan Debnath, who was until recently looking after MSME
Images of Lord Jesus, made of trimmed iron pieces and scrap have been shipped to different states and places from East Burdwan, drawing the attention of state minister Swapan Debnath, who was until recently looking after MSME (micro, small & medium enterprises).
Raju Bag, a local craftsman of Purbasthali in East Burdwan has been working on scrap iron pieces and skilled cottage industry products since a few years. Recently, he came to consider Christmas as a business opportunity and started working on it. He chose to make an iron model of the crucified Jesus Christ. “In six to seven days, I’d development the first model that represents a rugged and heart touching version of the Crucifixion, which earned appreciation from the local church,” said Raju. He added: “In two months, I made 190 such models using scrap machineries, iron pipes, rods and plates.”
The models, after being given a finishing paint at his small workshop at Boro Kobla village, were sent to Hyderabad, Kerala, Delhi and Kolkata ahead of Christmas. Minister and local MLA Swapan Debnath who used to look after MSME previously came to Raju’s workshop and saw his work. The minister said: “It’s very encouraging that the youth has infused spiritual sense into such scrapped materials. This has given him newer business, too.”