A distressing incident unfolded aboard an IndiGo flight from Hyderabad to Kolkata. Prashant Gaisani, a 35-year-old passenger, experienced severe abdominal pain mid-flight, prompting him to alert the cabin crew yesterday. With quick thinking, the cabin crew promptly contacted the pilot, who, in turn, communicated with authorities at Kolkata’s Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport seeking permission for an emergency landing.
Following protocol, the IndiGo flight safely landed at Kolkata Airport, where a medical team was on standby to assist Mr Gaisani. Upon disembarking, he received immediate medical attention from airport medical staff before being transferred to a nearby private hospital on VIP Road via ambulance. Mr. Gaisani remains under observation at the hospital, with his condition reported as stable.
This incident highlights the swift response and coordinated efforts of airline personnel and airport authorities in ensuring the safety and well-being of passengers during emergencies.