Enforcement Directorate, probing the alleged money laundering link in connection with the cash haul of Rs 1.40cr from the office of a real estate group at Garcha, Ballygunge on Wednesday, issued summons to businessman Manjit Singh Grewal to face questions at its Delhi office on 15 February.
The central agency wants to question him in connection with his alleged complicity in laundering cash allegedly received from coal and illegal mining scam on behalf of a highly influential political person and a minister as well.
A source in the know claimed that the central agency has summoned Grewal alias Jitta to New Delhi for quiz on next Wednesday and asked him to carry some documents, including his identity card, passport, bank statements of the last five years, and dossiers regarding his I-T returns for the last five years.
Besides, the source also claimed, Grewal, who is said to be a confidante of the alleged minister in question, was also asked to bring details belonging to his family members and the posts they were holding if any. In the summons, claimed the source, a caution was issued to him of a likely resumption of a money laundering case against him should he not carry those documents as was asked.
ED’s suspicion on Grewal’s alleged involvement in money laundering stemmed from an alleged sale of a guesthouse on Garcha Road in Ballygunge reportedly at a throwaway price compared to its original market value.