Bollywood actor and BJP’s national executive member Mithun Chakraborty today challenged the Trinamul Congress regarding the amended Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), by stating, “If anyone challenges citizenship for CAA, I will take care of them.”
Currently, Modi’s ‘star campaigner’ is busy campaigning in various parts of Bengal. Taking on the challenge of the Citizenship Amendment Act, Mithun said, “If anyone challenges citizenship for CAA, I will take care of them. CAA is not to snatch the rights of citizenship, it was formed to provide a guarantee to become Indian citizens.”
The actor challenged Trinamul’s act of anti-CAA campaigns as lies. Campaigning for former judge and BJP candidate Abhijit Ganguly, the superstar did a roadshow in Midnapore yesterday. There too he stated: “A party is spreading lies about CAA. Their fortune lies in lies and corruption. CAA is not about taking away citizenship from someone. And this law is not just for Muslim brothers and sisters; it’s for me, for Christians, for Sikh brothers. For everyone! Then what’s the trouble? Those who have a genuine Aadhaar card are citizens of India. By speaking all these lies, they’re scaring Muslim brothers and sisters.” From the roadshow, Mithun also said, “Vote on 25 May on the lotus symbol. I want respected Abhijit sir to win, we want honest and clean people. Thieves must be chased away from this state.”