West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) today announced that the admit cards for the higher secondary examination 2020 will be distributed from 56 distribution camps on 3 March. The council has instructed the head teachers of the higher secondary schools to make necessary arrangements for the collection of the admit cards on that day.
Registration certificates of the students of class XI and other related documents will also be distributed on that day. The higher secondary examination will start on 12 March and end on 27 March this year. The council also announced today the maximum number of days for which ‘on duty’ may be allowed for teachers assigned duties of Higher Secondary examination.
In a notification addressed to the heads or teachers-in-charge of the higher secondary educational institutions today, the council said, “West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to announce the number of maximum permissible days for which ‘ON DUTY’ may be allowed to the teachers for performing H.S. Examination 2020 related work.”
While 18 maximum on-duty days have been allotted for the head examiners of theoretical papers, practical head examiners and theoretical paper examiners at camp have been allotted five days. Nine days have been allotted for scrutineers, 10 days for the council nominees and 14 days for DAC members.