

Health experts sound alert on kidney malfunction

The Manipal Hospitals have incorporated “Kidney Resignation” – a bold, disruptive campaign designed to grab attention and spark conversion aiming to convince people for kidney protection.

Health experts sound alert on kidney malfunction

Image Source: Instagram

The Manipal Hospitals have incorporated “Kidney Resignation” – a bold, disruptive campaign designed to grab attention and spark conversion aiming to convince people for kidney protection.

The hospitals have imagined a situation where the kidneys stop functioning.


Just imagine about the largest ever mass resignations that India hasn’t recorded ever where 292 crore active participants have posed to wash their “hands” from their “tireless” routine. And this, “Would reduce life to a grinding halt across the country, if not intervened on time,” several experts in the healthcare industry apprehend.


The country, though has a current population of 146.39 crore, still the strikers are just double the figure! “They are not men or women, but they lend their ‘hands’ to live a healthy life. They are the kidneys – one of the chief ingredients to run the show of human life,” said Dr Mohammed Fahad Khan, consultant, Nephrology, Manipal Hospital – Old Airport Road, Bengaluru.

Dr Fahad’s allegorical narration ahead of the World Kidney Day runs like this: “Kidneys across the country have shockingly resigned leaving the entire medical community stunned.” Dr. Fahad, considering the gravity of the situation hurriedly carried the SOS call to Dr H Sudarshan Ballal, chairman, Manipal Hospitals that equally triggered off a horrifying response from the senior expert when Dr Fahad placed the resignation letter with a charter of demands from the kidney community. Dr Ballal reacted: “OMG ! This is alarming. They work sincerely throughout our life. We can’t let this happen. In my 50 years of career I haven’t heard anything like this.” He added: “They are our loyal soldiers and keep us getting rid of waste products and toxins from our body.”

After going through the charter of demands placed by the kidneys and a video clip forwarded by the kidney leaders, Dr Ballal said: “The demand list they served entirely talks about our healthy life and better protection of our kidneys, which we need to accept for our benefit only.”

The demand list includes: Improve lifestyle; Reduce processed food; Avoid unnecessary popping of painkillers; Give up on tobacco; Drink enough water; Control blood sugar & blood pressure; Get an annual kidney check-up.

Dr Ballal also emphasised: “Kidney disease is largely preventable with simple lifestyle changes. Awareness is the first step towards better kidney health and people need to stay hydrated, eat right, pursue regular exercise, and get regular check-ups before it’s too late.”
